Seating Armchairs
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17th Century
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A rare, early-17th century, oak, open armchair with a cacquetoire seat and carving of hunting dogs on the cresting
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Armchair Throne Pair Italian Walnut Red Mohair Velvet Armorial Renaissance
Italian Armchairs Pair Leather Tan Chrome Signed Mario Bellini Vitra Office Bellini Collection
Armchairs, Pair, Flemish, 17th Century, Walnut, Upholstered, Bargello, Scrollarm
Red lacquer commode or water closet and sidetable or cupboard, Duke & Duchess of Northumberland, Alnwick Castle, Antiquarian Chinoiserie
3-Piece Lounge Suite 3-seat settee Sofa Armchair Pair Vintage 1970 Orange Boucle
Armchair Commemorative Walnut Folk Initialed JFP dFP French Aubusson Tapestry
8 Set Armchairs Chairs Upholstered Fruitwood 19 Century Louis XIV Style Stripe
Pair of Walnut Armchairs, Late 16th Century, French Renaissance, with Ram Mask C
Armchair Wing Upholstered Sage Silk Vivien Leigh Laurence Oliver Notley Abbey
Armchair Oak 17 Century Upholstered Faux Fur Navy Funky Fun
© 2025 Howgego Historic & Modern
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